Our Story

In the heart of Lindsay's bustling life lies a journey that began with a profound awakening over 15 years ago. Diagnosed with multiple autoimmune diseases in her twenties, Lindsay's world was suddenly cast into uncertainty. Yet, amidst the turmoil, she found a beacon of hope in holistic health practices and natural living.

With unwavering determination, Lindsay embraced a holistic lifestyle, weaving together the threads of nutrition, mindfulness, and alternative therapies. Through diligent self-care and a deep connection to nature, she discovered a path to healing that transcended conventional treatments.

As Lindsay's journey unfolded, so too did her role as a traditional naturopath. With eight years of dedicated practice, she honed her skills and expertise, guided by her own transformative experience. Each client she encountered became a testament to the power of holistic healing—a journey she walked alongside them with compassion and understanding.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Lindsay's life is enriched by her loving family. Married to her husband for 17 years, she is a devoted mother to four children. Embracing the joys and challenges of homeschooling, Lindsay finds fulfillment in nurturing her children's growth and curiosity.

Yet, amidst her roles as wife, mother, and healer, Lindsay's passion for horses remains a steadfast anchor in her life. As an adaptive and therapeutic riding instructor, she channels her love for these majestic creatures into a profound source of healing for others. Through the transformative power of equine therapy, Lindsay facilitates moments of connection and empowerment, guiding individuals on their own paths to wellness.

Alongside her husband Dan, Lindsay founded Dark Horse Inclusion, a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of youth and teens through the promotion of social and emotional learning with horses. Their shared vision and unwavering dedication have touched the lives of countless individuals, creating a ripple effect of positive change in their community.

Throughout the ups and downs of life, Lindsay's faith and love for God have remained unwavering, providing strength, guidance, and a sense of purpose. In every aspect of her life, Lindsay embodies the values of compassion, resilience, and faith, inspiring those around her to embrace holistic wellness in mind, body, spirit, and ofcourse hooves!

Crunchy Wellness Apothecary serves as the culmination of Lindsay's journey—a sanctuary where healing and community intersect. Here, amidst shelves adorned with natural remedies and herbal treasures, Lindsay offers more than just products; she provides a sanctuary of support and guidance.

Whether through consultations, workshops, or simply a listening ear, Lindsay invites others to embark on their own holistic legacy. Through her wisdom, empathy, and unwavering dedication, she illuminates the path towards vibrant health and vitality.

Lindsay's story is a testament to the transformative power of holistic living, where faith, family, and passion converge to create a life of abundance and joy.In every moment, she continues to inspire others to embrace their own journey towards healing, wholeness and well-being.